MIX Group Application
The more specific you are, the better your chances of finding advisors who are the best fit for your MIX group.
MIX group emails go out to NAPFA members as often as twice a month, and the responses from those who are interested will come to you over about a week at the email you list below. NAPFA recommends 7-10 members per MIX group, and that you select a couple more people than that to allow for the attrition that tends to occur initially when the meeting time doesn't work for someone, they realize they're too busy, etc.
There may be too many respondents, or some advisors who are interested who do not best meet your requirements; please forward those emails without responding to Abby Watson at, and she will get back to those members about starting their own groups. Feel free to contact NAPFA in the future if you need additional members for your group.
You will be emailed a copy of this form upon submission.
Company name
Email that applicants should use
Phone (if you want calls from applicants/members)
Group name (make one up, and you can always change it later)
What type of members you’re seeking - career stage/years of experience, role at firm, type of clients served, firm size/AUM, specific challenges (those using a certain software, those involved with succession planning, etc.).
The main purpose(s) of your MIX group – your focus, subjects, goals, hopes…
Meetings – how often, general day/time, via email/via conference call-screen sharing, monthly/as needed, etc.
You may wish to include a proposed first meeting date/time (with time zone). Plan it about 8 weeks in advance and you may save yourself some scheduling in the future!
Your First Meeting
First meetings are generally spent (feel free to tailor this for your agenda):
• Getting to know one another, with each member talking for 3-4 minutes on their career/skills/company/goals/challenges,
• Having a discussion of the purpose of the group going forward, brainstorming a list of meeting topics that you can discuss on future calls, and deciding how the focus of each call will be determined ahead of time,
• Coming to agreement on future meeting dates/times.