VHCB AmeriCorps Host Site Application 23-24
Please complete and submit this application by May 12, 2023.

The 2023-2024 program year begins in September 2023 and end in August 2024.

You may save this form at any time and return to it via the link provided after you click on "Save and Resume" at the bottom of the form. Please Note: Each time the form is updated and saved, a NEW link is provided and the old one expires. If you lose a resume link, please contact Erin at e.riley@vhcb.org for assistance.
  • Applicant Information

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  • AmeriCorps Slot Requests

  • Full-Time (11 months/1720 hours)
    Half-Time (6 months/915 hours)
    Quarter-Time (3 months/455 hours)
    List the NUMBER of each type of position you intend to request
  • Full-Time Position Title Name of Supervisor
  • Half-Time Position Title Name of Supervisor
  • Quarter-Time Position Title Name of Supervisor
  • Focus Areas

    Provide approximate impact numbers (e.g. #'s of people placed in housing, #'s of units weatherized, # volunteers, etc.) in each focus area.
  • Individuals Receiving Housing Placement or Homelessness Services
    Individuals Transitioning into Safe Affordable Housing
    Number of All Individuals receiving supportive housing/residential services
    Number of Individuals receiving supportive housing/residential services that are 65 or older, or living with a disability
    Acres of Parks and Public Lands Cleaned, Improved, Created or otherwise stewarded
    Miles of trails or waterways receiving stewardship efforts
    Educated/Trained and surveyed for change in behavior in Energy Efficient, Environmentally-Conscious, or Outdoor Recreation Practices.
    These numbers are estimates only; successful host sites applicants are not held to these standards.
  • Organizational Need

  • Capacity to Support AmeriCorps Member(s) and Comply with Program Requirements

  • Attachments

    With this Application, you must also submit the following:
    1. Position Description: submitted as a Word Doc, using the 2023-2024 Position Description Template
    2. Financial Risk Assessment
    3. Supervisor Assessment (only necessary for new supervisors)

    The attachments may be submitted here, or emailed to Erin Riley at e.riley@vhcb.org

  • Please verify the following:

    I understand that VHCB has not yet been awarded grant funds for the 2023-2024 Program Year, may incur unforeseeable reductions to its operating budget, and that these amounts may change prior to the start of the 2023-24 program year.

    I understand that the member’s supervisor may be required to attend several meetings/days of training throughout the service year, including one full day of the AmeriCorps Training. I understand that we will be expected to release the member for AmeriCorps-related events for up to 3 days/month on average.

    I understand that our organization will be responsible for recruiting the member(s) and its associated costs. Our organization understands that it cannot offer the position to an individual until approval for that selection has been obtained from the VHCB AmeriCorps Director.

    I understand that as a service position that it is not possible to ‘dismiss’ a Member after a trial period unless they are clearly performing illegal or unsafe acts, or unless their attitude warrants it, and then if and only if there is clear documentation of these acts and if, and only if, the member has had access to due process. I understand the AmeriCorps position is not intended to, and should not, displace an employed position. I also understand the member will be performing direct services to fill a need that our organization has, and that this need falls within the limits of the mission and objectives of the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board AmeriCorps Program as stated in their AmeriCorps*State Grant Application.
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