FCHCC Job Posting FREE Submittal Corporate Members
Your Name:
Hiring Company Name:
Your email Address (must be a working email):
Retype Email Address:
Your Business Phone #:
Your Cell Phone #:
Select your FCHCC Membership Level:
Non-profit 1
Non-profit 2
Non-profit 3
Small Business 1
Small Business 2
Large Corporation 1
Large Corporation 2
Leadership Trustee
Strategic Partner
What is the Title for this Job Position?
City/State for Job Posting:
Job Type (please select from the list):
Please Select
How will the applicant apply for this job? Does this job position appear on your website or a Jobs Board? Provide the link for how applicants can apply for the job:
or Email address for how to apply for the job:
Retype email address:
What are the work hours?
Base Salary?
Hiring Company Logo (your logo will appear when we post your job opening on our social media outlets.)
Job Description:
Skills required:
Education Requirements: (check all that apply)
Bachelor's Degree or above
Some college (2 years or Associate's Degree)
Degree not required
Provide a brief statement about your company's hiring policy (ex., Equal Opportunity Employment EOE, etc.):
How did you hear about us?
Facebook or other social network
A friend or colleague
I subscribe to your mailing list
Found FCHCC's job board by searching the internet
Other, please specify:
You can upload your Job Posting: (must be a Text file, PDF or MS-Word file).
What is your Facebook profile so we can tag you when your job listing is posted?