GSOC COVID-19 Guidance Acknowledgement and Waiver
Updated: 6/20/2021
Please review the GSOC COVID-19 Guidance document, then acknowledge receipt of guidance and sign participation waiver at the bottom of the form.
  • Please read and acknowledge each statement below
    COVID-19 is an extremely contagious virus that spreads easily, including through person-to-person contact.
    As with any social activity, use of Girl Scouts of Orange County (GSOC) facilities or participation in in-person troop, group, service unit or Council programs, may present the risk of contracting COVID-19.
    While GSOC takes safety and preventative precautions, GSOC can in no way warrant that COVID-19 infection will not occur through use of such facilities or services or participation in in-person Girl Scout activities and meetings.
  • COVID-19 Waiver

  • By signing below, I acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the GSOC Volunteer COVID-19 Guidance and waiver and agree to follow all guidelines listed in this document.