LegendTales Kitten Inquiry/Application

Contact Information

Name *
First *
Last *
Address *
Street Address *
Address Line 2
City *
State / Province / Region *
Postal / Zip Code *
Country *
Email *
Phone Number *


Kitten Inquiry

Are you looking for a kitten, cat or either? *
 Kitten (4-8 months) 
 No preference 
Do you want a Pixie-Bob or Maine Coon. We do NOT cross the breeds. *
 Maine Coon  
 No preference 
Gender preference *
 No preference 
Feet preference *
 Polydactyl (Pixie-Bobs only) 
 No preference 
Tail length (Pixie-Bobs only)
 Natural short tail (Pixie-Bob) 
 Hock tail (Pixie-Bob only) 
 Full/long tail  
 No preference 
Do you have a color preference? (Maine Coons)
 Yes (Please share your color preferences in the box below) 
 No Preference 
Coat preference (Pixie-Bobs)
 Short hair 
 Long hair 
 No preference 
Quality *
 Pet quality 
 Show quality 
 No preference 
How many kittens do you want to purchase? (Priority given to siblings going home together) *


When will you be ready to bring a kitten home? *
 Immediately, within a month 
 1 - 4 months 
 5+ months 
Are you willing to come to our home in the Phoenix area to pick up your kitten? (Priority given to those willing to come to our home to meet and pick up their kitten) *
What is your budget? *
 Maine Coon Pet kitten $4000 
 Pixie-Bob kitten $800-1200 

Lifestyle Questions

This section will help us determine the demeanor of the kitten best suited for your environment.
Do you or anyone in your home have allergies to cats (past or present)? *
 I don't know 
Do you travel? *
Do you want your cat to travel with you?
Do you have young children in the home? *
Do you have other animals in the house? *
Please share as much as possible about yourself and your family as this will help us to determine which kitten would be best suited to your family and lifestyle. Thank you!
What about our cats interests you?
How do you prefer we contact you?

Final Questions

Does anyone in the home smoke? *
Do you want your kitten/cat to go outdoors unsupervised? *
 Yes, all the time 
 Yes, but only on a leash 
 No, indoor only 
Do you plan to declaw your cat? *
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