ALD Online Induction Ceremonies - Spring 2024
If you prefer to participate in our online induction ceremony with other chapters, instead of having to plan your own, indicate your interest. Sessions are offered at limited capacity; once a date fills, it will be removed as an option on the form.

PLEASE NOTE, THIS FORM IS FOR CHAPTER ADVISORS ONLY. This is not a form for students to sign up to attend a ceremony.
  • Information

    It is not necessary that advisors and officers are present, but you are welcome to be if you want.

    If your chapter utilizes MHS, we will have your list of inductees after your invitation closes. If you are a manual list, you will need to send us your list of students with email addresses so we can coordinate the ceremony.

    ALD Headquarters will communicate with you and your students, including sending the induction date and a link to the online ceremony.