Outstanding Student Research Awards - SU22
Summer 2022
  • Instructions:

    Walden University faculty members and University Research Reviewers must use this form to nominate students for either the Outstanding Dissertation Award or the Outstanding Doctoral Study Award.

    This form is comprised of 3 sections:
    a) information about the nominee
    b) information about the nominator
    c) supporting documentation.

    Please refer to the Outstanding Dissertation Award Program Guidelines and the Outstanding Doctoral Study Award Program Guidelines for details about what information is required in each section. Please note that 3 documents (outlined in the program guidelines in detail) must be submitted as supporting documentation:

    a) a nomination statement (written by the nominating faculty member)
    b) a summary of the dissertation or doctoral study (written by the student)
    c) complete copy of the final dissertation or doctoral study.

    Each field marked with a red * below must be completed for the system to process your application.

    The form below allows you to upload attachments in support of the nomination. Please do not email supporting documentation separately as it will be difficult for us to associate the documents with your pending nomination.

    You will receive a confirmation e-mail after submitting your nomination via the online form below.

    Questions about the online OSRA nomination form, and the OSRA program in general, should be directed to osra@mail.waldenu.edu.

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