Franchising Application

Name *
First *
Last *
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number

Birth Date *

Are you able to hang advertisements on Mondays and Tuesdays? *
Do you have reliable transportation? *


You will be paid on a weekly basis based on the number of stores on your route. Pay is delivered electronically at 12:00pm EST every Friday and is either directly deposited into your bank account or to your pre-existing paypal account. Please let us know how you would like to receive your funds.
Please deliver funds using
Bank Name
Routing Number
Your routing number can be found at the bottom of your check, on the left-hand side, or buy contacting your issuing bank.
Checking Account Number
Email *
Only required if you desire to be paid via PayPal


Franchising is based on zipcode. You will be the exclusive supplier of advertising for between 30-40 stores in your prefered zip code. Please let us know how many franchises you are interested in, and your preferred zip code.
Number of Franchises *
Your first franchising fee and first weeks worth of advertisements will be paid for you. Additional franchises will cost $800 which will include your franchising fee and first weeks worth of advertisements.
Preferred Zip Code
Secondary Zip Code
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