SU Fall Product Earned Cash Bonus Requirements
1. Promote participation at August/September leader meetings.
2. Submit the Service Unit Fall Product Program Goals to by September 15th
3. Enter appointed Troop Product Coordinators into M2OS beginning Sept 9
4. Update delivery station and reward delivery information in M2OS beginning Sept 9
5. Send Troop reminders as indicated in the Service Unit Plan Book
a. September 15th reminder (pg 7 of SU Plan Book)
b. October 2nd reminder (pg 7 of the SU Plan Book)
c. October 11th reminder (pg 8 of the SU Plan Book)
d. October 14th reminder (pg 8 of the SU Plan Book)
6. Submit end of program reports by 9PM on October 16 to
a. Final Troop Product Coordinator roster
b. Final Service Unit Fall Product Program Goals
c. Complete this online Service Unit Fall Bonus form