YALSA Liaison to ALA Groups
YALSA is seeking a member to serve as liaison to ALA groups for the 2022 - 2023 year. This person's role will be to strengthen ties between YALSA and ALA by sharing information between groups and representing YALSA's interests to ALA. This position would liaise with the following ALA groups both virtually and in person at ALA's Midwinter and Annual Conference:
• ASCLA Accessibility Assembly
• Conference Program Coordinating Team
• Freedom to Read Foundation
• Intellectual Freedom Committee
• Legislation Assembly
• Literacy Assembly
• Professional Ethics Committee
• Website Advisory Committee
If there's financial need, up to $1,000 in funds total can be provided to the liaison to defray the cost of attending two of ALA's signature Meetings. For more information about the Liaison position, read
this YALSA Board document
. To be considered for this opportunity, submit this application by no later than April 1st, 2022. The term of this appointment is from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.
ALA Member Number
Application Questions
Please describe briefly why you would be a great fit for this role in YALSA (up to 150 words)
This position requires year round work in a virtual environment. Please describe briefly your skills in working, communicating, collaborating, and relationship building virtually with digital tools (up to 100 words)
In reviewing ALA's
Strategic Plan
and YALSA's
Organizational Plan
, what opportunities do you see for the two organizations to work together? (up to 150 words)
What challenges do you foresee in strengthening ties between YALSA and ALA and how might you address them? (up to 150 words)
Statement of Understanding
If selected for this opportunity, I affirm that I am able to attend 8- 10 ALA Committee meetings at the upcoming Annual Conference.