GSOC Travel Patrol Interest List
G.L.O.B.A.L. - Girls Looking Outward Beyond Any Limitations!
Our vision is an equal world where all girls can thrive through global experiences.
Girl Scouts love to travel—from day trips as Brownies to global adventures as teens! If you love exploring different places and cultures, then Girl Scouts has opportunities for you!
The GSOC Travel Patrol is part of the GSOC Global Action Team, which consists of volunteers, girls, and council staff.
Please let us know which trip(s) you are interested in and one of our Global Action Team volunteers will contact you with more information!
For more information on travel resources and progression, please click on the image above.
Girl Name:
Parent Name:
Parent Email Address:
(please re-enter email to confirm)
Girl Scout Level:
Multi-level (list levels)
Girl Scout participation:
not yet registered
Troop-enter number
Service Unit:
Please select
101 Brea
102 Fullerton/La Habra
103 La Cypress Park
104 Anaheim
105 Los Alamitos/Rossmoor
201 Placentia
202 Yorba Linda West
203 Yorba Linda East
204 Orange Villa
205 Anaheim Hills
206 Santiago Creek
301 Seal Beach
302 West Garden
303 Huntington Harbor
304 Ocean View
305 HB Pierside
306 Surf City
401 Garden Valley
402 Tustana
403 Tustin East
404 Newport Mesa
405 Newport Harbor
501 South Irvine
502 Heart of Irvine
503 North Irvine
504 Laguna Beach
505 Aliso Viejo
506 Niguel Coast
507 San Clemente
602 Lake Forest
603 Rancho Portola
604 Mission Viejo
605 Rancho Trabuco
606 Oso Valley
607 Ladera Valley
701 Comadres
702 Comadres North
If "OTHER" Please explain below:
Please choose ALL of the ways you would complete this sentence:
I have ...
traveled with my family.
taken day trips with troop/group/school
spent the night away from home with troop/group/school.
traveled more than 500 miles with troop/group/school.
traveled out of state with troop/group/school
traveled out of the country with troop/group/school
I am interested in learning more about the following travel opportunities:
(Please choose all that apply)
Travel Opportunities with GSOC Travel Patrols:
Train Trip Travel Patrol - SJC (Brownie) Annually
Globe Getters Travel Patrol - (Junior Cadette) ongoing
San Francisco Travel Patrol (Junior) April annually
Savannah Travel Patrol (Cadette & older) February; 2025, 2027, 2029
New York & More Travel Patrol (Cadette & older) Summer 2024; 2026, 2028, 2030
Girl Scouts at the Capitol, Sacramento, (Cadette and older) Annually in August
GS Convention Travel Patrol – (Cadette & Older) July 2026; 2029 every three years; locations change
Presidential Inauguration Travel Patrol, Washington DC (Cadette & older) Every four years
International - World Center Travel Patrol: Sangam in India; Pax Lodge in England, Our Chalet in Switzerland or Nuestra Cabana in Mexico (Cadette and Older) Every three years
I am interested in learning about money-earning opportunities to help fund my travel.
Yes, please
No, thank you
Maybe, I have a question:
Thank you for sharing your interest in council travel opportunities.
A member of the Global Action Team will be in touch with more information!
Questions? Please contact and reference Travel Opportunities.
Any additional comments or questions?