Test Your Bible Knowledge Book 2 Part One
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  • True False
    1. God's Word is the only sourcebook which can prepare man both for time and eternity. (P.5, #6)
    2. When Moses stretched his rod over the sea the waters were divided by his own power. (P.5, #8)
    3. The Lord destroyed the pursuing Egyptians by causing the walls of the sea to collapse. (P.6, #9)
    4. The Israelites' freedom was symbolic of those today who learn and do God's will and are delivered from the slavery of sin. (P.6, #10)
    5. God's people were destined to wander in the wilderness for 40 years because of their unbelief. (P.6, #11)
    6. The Israelites never complained, (P.6, #12)
    7. To care for the people's needs, God sent manna from heaven and water from a rock. ( P.6, #12; P.7, #13)
    8. God called Moses to ascend Mt. Olivet. (P.7 #15)
    9. The Second Commandment warns against making and bowing to images. ( P.8, #17)
    10. God approves of image worship in his church today. (P.8 #18)
    11. When God gave Moses the Ten were given to all Jews and Gentiles alike. (P.8, #18)
    12. The New Testament reveals God's will for us today. (P.8, #19)
    13. Moses foretold the coming of Christ (P.8, #19)
    14. The tabernacle was the first house of worship ordained by the Heavenly Father. (P.8, #20)
    15. While Moses was on Mt. Sinai, God told him exactly hot to build the tabernacle.
    16. Today God Himself dwells in church buildings instead of the Tabernacle. (P.9, #21)
    17. The Tabernacle was a solid masonry structure. (P.9, #21)
    18. The building of the Tabernacle was financed by free- will offerings. (P.9, #22)
    19. Christians are to support the work of the church by free-will offerings. (P.9, #22)
    20. Burning of incense as worship to God is authorized of the Lord in the Christian Age. (P.9, #23)
    21. Every Christian is a "priest" of God. (P.9, #23)
    22. The prayers of Christians area sweet in-cense to God. (P.9, #23)
    23. God has ordained that candles be used in New Testament worship. (P. 10, #25)
    24. Today, instead of Showbread, the Lord's Super is eaten by Christians each Sunday (P.10, #26)
    25. When Jesus became our High Priest, the separate priesthood of man was forever abolished. (P.10, #27)
    26. The top of the Ark was called "the Holy of Holies." (P.10, #28)
    27. God still accepts animal sacrifices for sin even though Jesus has died on the cross. (P.10, #28)
    28. We must be cleansed by the blood of Jesus before we can be members of God's church. (P.11, #31)
    29. Today God removes temptations so that man cannot sin. (P.11, #32)
    30. Moses was unable to enter the promised Land of Canaan because he was too old. (P.12, #34)
    31. The two spies sent by Joshua into Canaan brought back an unfavorable report. (P.12, #36)
    32. Only two of the original generation of Israelites who had escaped Egypt finally reached the Promised Land. (P.13, #37)
    33. Jesus taught that many people would find eternal life. (P.13, #37)
    34. During the first 300 years in Canaan, God raised up leaders called "prophets." (P.13, #38)
    35. Deborah was a prophetess as well as a judge of Israel. (P. 13, #39)
    36. The last judge of Israel was Saul. ( P.13, #40)
    37. Samuel's mother brought him a new coat each year when she visited the Tabernacle of God. (P.14, #41)
    38. One who received a message direct from God to be delivered to men was called a prophet. (P.14, #42)
    39. The Lord was pleased with the Israelites' request for a king. (P.14, #43)
    40. God provided the very best man available for the first king of Israel. (P.14, #44)
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