Online Application for Enrolment
International and domestic applicants are welcome to apply for courses offered at PCBT using this online enrolment application form.

Please make sure you have familiarised yourself with the terms and conditions of enrolment at PCBT before submitting your application (

You may scroll down here to read the information before submission.

If you have any questions please contact us at +61 8 9202 1003 or email to

You may get advice from one of our education agents assisting your application and visa alternative to apply on your own.

You can save the form uncompleted and resume to complete it later.

Agents and prospects are welcome to apply online application form (You will receive a copy of this application form along with its attachments sent to your email for your records).

PCBT Enrolment Application Form - v2.3 - Updated 23/11/2023
  • (A) Personal Details

  • If you have surname only, use - as your First name.
  • If you have First name only, use - as your Last name.
  • / /
  • Non student visa holders or those not planning to apply for a student visa (500 subclass) are considered as Domestic students and they do not need to have a CoE (Confirmation of Enrolment on PRISMS). These students will be issued with PCBT's own eCoEL (Confirmation of Enrolment Letter).
    "Students on Bridging Visas are not usually categorised as an international student unless their student visas are refused/cancelled awaiting a merit review or planning to apply for a student visa or other reasons. Please select "study as an international student" option from menu if you need CoE issued on PRISMS.
  • Please include the corresponding code for corresponding countries.
  • It must be ONLY applicant's email address not agent's email or anyone else.
  • A soft-copy of completed application form will be sent to this EMAIL ADDRESS. (Agents, or Student or anyone acting on behalf of the applicant)
  • (B) Course Details

  • Please be advised all courses are subject to availability and submission does not guarantee a place.
  • Minimum Enrolment 5 weeks.
  • (C.) Agent / Marketing

  • (D) Student's Passport Information

  • / /
  • (E) Student's Overseas Contact Details

    If international student.
  • Please specify country code.
  • (F) Student's Australian Address (if student/applicant is in Australia)

  • Students should always inform PCBT of a change of address or contact details within 7 days, by completing a Change of Contact Details form available at PCBT.
  • (G.) Emergency Contact Details

  • (H.) Overseas Health Cover Details / Health

  • (I.) Education Details

  • (J.) English Proficiency

  • Admissions criteria:
  • / /
  • / /
  • (K.) Australian Visa Details

  • / /

  • (L.) Additional Information

  • If you believe you have relevant employment experience, please attach separate documentation to your application, including a Resume and any References that you may have.
  • (M.) General Information

  • Entry Requirement: Please visit

    Please make sure you have read the following information before Enrolment:
    ( )

    PCBT Prospective Student Genuine Temporary Entrant Policy and Procedure
    PCBT Enrolments Policy & Procedures
    PCBT Student Fees and Charges Policy
    PCBT Refund Policy & Procedures
    ESOS Act
    Standard 8 Fact Sheet ESOS Student Visa Conditions (National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018)

    Page 3-6 of Enrolment Application Form on

    All forms and policies:
  • (N.) Declaration & Agreement

  • 1. I declare that the information contained in this application is true and correct.
    2. I have read, understood and consent to the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment and the Fee Payment and Refund Procedures at the Institute
    3. I consent to DHA providing the Institute with any information about my visa status from the time of my application to the time of my departure from Australia.
    4. I understand that I will be required to pay an Enrolment Application Fee with this Enrolment Application Form and that the Enrolment Application Fee is non-refundable.
    5. I understand that this agreement and the availability of the Institute’s Complaint and Appeals processes does not remove my right to take action under Australia’s Consumer Protection Laws.
    6. I agree that the Institute may disclose information in relation to my enrolment status, visa status, including any possible breach of visa
    conditions along with copies of my course progress and results to the relevant Australian Government Authority
    7. I understand that my photo/video may be used in the Institute’s promotional material and consent for this to be done.
    8. I confirm the information supplied on this form in relation to my study plan is true and accurate. I understand that any changes to my study plan may be considered detrimental.

    I also agree that I understand the following and declare to abide by:

    • The terms and conditions of enrolment and agree to be bound by them.
    • I agree to pay fees as they become due. I understand that my qualification will be withheld until my account is finalised.
    • I declare that I have financial capacity to meet tuition fees, course material fee and tools fee.
    • I understand that I am responsible for keeping a copy of the agreement and the receipts of payment made.
    • I understand that I am required to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) and I authorize PCBT to apply for USI on my behalf unless provided.
    • The information on this form is true and correct. This information may be used for monitoring, program planning and statistical purposes.
    • I understand that assessments need to be regularly submitted to ensure successful progression through the course.
    • I understand that in the event of my enrolment cancellation any further submissions of assessments will not be marked and a Statement of Attainment
    will be issued for the competent units.
    • I declare that I will notify the college any change of contact details within 7 working days.
    • I declare that I will abide by policies and procedure of PCBT given in the prospectus and college website.
    • I declare that I will be solely responsible for meeting the conditions listed on my current student visa and liaise with DHA and my agent (if applicable).
    • If I am intending to change education provider, I should contact my current education provider for information. (In most circumstances the new
    education provider will be restricted from enrolling you if you have not completed six months of the main course of study for which your visa was
    • If I want to change provider before completing the first six months of my main course of study, I must contact my current education provider for
    permission and receive a release letter. (You will need a letter of offer from the new provider in order to apply for a letter of release from your original
    education provider).
    • I give consent to Perth College of Business and technology to forward my application / enquiry to their authorised agents/third parties to assist me in
    my application if I am a direct applicant (without an appointed agent).
    • I declare that I have also read and understand the ESOS Act provided by the PCBT also available on
    • and read relevant policies and procedures prior to enrolment (
  • Please upload your documents as necessary.

    Copy of passport, Academic qualifications, English proficiency and etc...