ATV Event Submission
We are happy to add your organization's event to our calendars. Please provide all required information. We accept all manner of ATV events; if this is a club meeting and repeats on a regular basis please include that information
  • If your club or association uses a short form such as "OFATV" please enter it here so that we may us it for short titles
  • The event should have a theme to make it appealing and stand out from the casual weekly rides.
  • / / :
    When should attendees arive by?
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    When can attendees expect to be back at the ride's start location
  • Please provide a street address for the event that the attendee can plug into their automotive GPS. Example: 2130 Green Lane, Beamsville, ON.
  • This is not a required field; although it is a good alternative to the street address
  • Eg: Follow driveway to parking area, watch for the sign to park on the right in the field
  • Paste link from Google Maps to meet location.
  • Paste link from PARMS on-line event slug