By filling out this application I understand and agree that all information provided is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and I have not withheld any pertinent information. I also understand and agree that any misrepresentations of me or my family or any untruths of the information I have provided herein that are discovered may result in the immediate denial of my application and I may not be allowed to foster or adopt a dog from All Star Fur Pet Rescue. Submittal of this form provides my agreement to this adoption application.

Please keep in mind, we do not ask for any more private information than your local shelter would. Your private information will never be shared with anyone.
Failure to fill out this application in its entirety, in all applicable fields, may result in your application being disregarded entirely. If question is Not Applicable, please write N/A
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  • Rescuer must be immediately notified by Foster.
  • Rescuer has contracted Vets in SoCal area.