Child Protection Training Assessment V. 1.2
The following questions and scenarios are designed to assess your understanding of the Child Protection Training that you have undertaken for Camp Clayton.

You can use your leadership training manual in completing these questions if you wish.

Some of the things that we wish to assess for this training are:

- Do you have a sufficient understanding of different types of abuse?
- Can you recognize some of the indicators of abuse?
- Do you know of your responsibilities regarding reporting abuse and other serious issues?
- Can you articulate ways to ensure that Campers will be safe during their stay at camp?
- Can you articulate ways that you and other volunteers will be protected from allegations of abuse at camp?

We are aware that the subject matter of these questions can be confronting. If you are unable to continue due to the nature of the questions, or the questions make you uncomfortable please contact us so that we can support you as needed.

If you have any questions about this assessment, or have not completed the initial training then please contact Camp Clayton on 64251893 or
1Introduction Page2What is abuse and how do I spot it?3Mandated Reporting4Safety at Camp
Introduction Page
What is abuse and how do I spot it?
Mandated Reporting
Safety at Camp

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