Coalition Partner Photo Upload
Please upload ONE OR TWO images (example: photograph and/or logo) to represent the business/organization/individual that is the registered Partner of the Southeastern CT Cultural Coalition.

Images must be suitable for printing (hi-resolution, 300dpi).

Acceptable file types: JPG, TIF, Hi-Res PDF, PNG
(No other types will upload.)

You must be authorized to provide these images.

By submitting images, you are granting the Southeastern CT Cultural Coalition permission to use attached image(s) to promote the Coalition, our Partners, and the region in any of our marketing materials (website, e-blast, printed collateral). Photo credit will be given when feasible.

By submitting these images, I agree to provide a non-exclusive license to Southeastern Connecticut Cultural Coalition to use the images including, but not limited to, the following uses: reproduce, publicly display and distribute the images, crop the images, and use in any Southeastern Connecticut Cultural Coalition marketing materials.

Total size of attachment cannot be more than 10MB.
  • Please use partner name as listed on "Cultural Connections" online directory.
  • Please indicate municipality
  • File Types Allowed ONLY: JPG, TIF, Hi-Res PDF, or PNG
    (Other types will not successfully upload.)
  • File Types Allowed ONLY: JPG, TIF, Hi-Res PDF, or PNG
    (Other types will not successfully upload.)