• Personal Data Notification:

    The ALA (American Library Association and its units) and the ALA-APA (Allied Professional Association) (collectively “ALA”) use the personal data you provide to the ALA to process membership, inform you of products, services, conferences, education opportunities, events and for other purposes which are within the Association’s mission. To accomplish these actions, ALA contracts with third-parties who gather and process personal data to complete interactions such as online purchases, conference registration, and fulfillment. The personal data as provided is processed and stored as a legitimate Interest to the ALA in order to fulfill your requests for information and services from ALA.

    For more information, review ALA’S PRIVACY POLICY at http://www.ala.org/privacypolicy

  • Eligiblity

    Each year YALSA will provide up to $1,500 to defray the cost of travel for one individual to present a research paper at the ALA Midwinter Meeting. The research paper must support one or more priority areas as outlined in YALSA’s National Research Agenda. The successful applicant will also have their research paper published in YALSA’s Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults.

    Any individual from within or without of the library community is welcome to submit an application. Membership in ALA/YALSA is not required. Individuals from historically underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.

    Questions? Contact Nichole O'Connor at noconnor@ala.org or 312.280.4387.
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  • 20-25 words
  • 500 words or fewer