Not Used Wartburg College NCTM Standards (Math)

  • A student teacher should be able to perform effectively as a beginning teacher. Please rate your student teacher on the following scale.

    1-Recommend Intervention: Demonstrates disregard of Knowledge Base components; implementation generally deficient
    2-Unsatisfactory: Demonstrates limited application of Knowledge Base components; satisfactory implementation seldom achieved
    3-Adequate: Demonstrates satisfactory application of Knowledge Base components; implementation generally achieved
    4-Proficient: Demonstrates application of Knowledge Base components at a high performance level; shows some attributes of accomplished practice
    5-Exemplary: Demonstrates application of Knowledge Base components at a consistently high performance level; already shows many attributes of accomplished practice; highly motivated and engaged
    NA-Not observed
  • Knows, understands, and applies the process of mathematical problem solving.
  • Reasons, constructs, and evaluates mathematical arguments and develops an appreciation for mathematical rigor and inquiry.
  • Communicates mathematical thinking orally and in writing to peers, faculty, and others
  • Recognizes, uses, and makes connections between and among mathematical ideas and in contexts outside mathematics to build mathematical understanding.
  • Uses varied representations of mathematical ideas to support and deepen students' mathematical understanding
  • Embraces technology as an essential tool for teaching and learning mathematics.
  • Supports a positive disposition toward mathematical processes and mathematical learning.
  • Possesses a deep understanding of how students learn mathematics and of the pedagogical knowledge specific to mathematics teaching and learning.
  • Demonstrates computational proficiency, including a conceptual understanding of numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers and number systems, and the meaning of operations.
  • Emphasizes relationships among quantities, including functions, ways of representing mathematical relationships, and the analysis of change.
  • Uses spatial visualization and geometric modeling to explore and analyze geometric shapes, structures, and their properties.
  • Demonstrates a conceptual understanding of limit, continuity, differentiation, and integration and a thorough background in techniques and application of the calculus.
  • Applies the fundamental ideas of discrete mathematics in the formulation and solution of problems.
  • Demonstrates an understanding of concepts and practices related to data analysis, statistics, and probability.
  • Applies and uses measurement concepts and tools.
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