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GKG Convention Support Request Form

Let us know your needs and let us fulfill them for you and your guests.
  • Convention Data

    Please answer all questions...
  • City, State, Country
  • Month - Days - Year
    Please give at least 3 month notice for all support requests.
    Shorter notice may work out, but we can't guarantee it.
  • Include upcoming event.
  • For upcoming event.
  • Contact's Data

    Please answer all questions...
  • *Please ensure all values are in the correct fields!
    *Address Line 2 is for Apartment #s or "c/o" only; otherwise, please leave it blank.
    *Please provide a mailing address that is secure for daytime delivery.
  • Include country code and hyphens.
    (Required for shipping.)
  • Requests

    Enter your needs...
  • Check all that apply.
    Please only check those that your event already supports and definitely intends to have this year.
  • List in # of Play-to-Win games or attendees.
  • List in # of RPG tables/GMs or attendees.
  • List in # of Raffle giveaway bags.
  • If there is a special way you run an above event, or gift bags to all attendees etc., that you'd like us to be aware of and/or participate in tell us here.
  • Shipping Info

    Please select entries to calculate your shipping fees.
  • Requested Terms:
    • Posting of our logo on the convention website as a sponsor, with a link to our site.
    • Blast on Social Media for events supported.
    • Shout out at the events supported as a Sponsor.
    • Posting of hard-copy support (fliers, business cards, etc., provided by GKG) where appropriate for the convention / events.
Thank you for your support!