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Korean War Memorial

    - Each bench can have three lines of text with 26 characters in line one and 33 characters in line two and three.

    - Please allow one space between words.

    - Spaces and punctuation count as characters.

    - Text on benches will be centered and can be in both capital or lower case.

    - Bench purchases are separate from Museum memberships, Taste of Flight tickets, etc.
  • NOTE:

    Benches ordered before December 31, 2019, will be part of our installation in 2020.

    The Planes of Fame bench program honors the American heroes who served during the Korean War and their families. Therefore, the Museum reserves the right to deny requests for inscriptions that might be considered offensive or inappropriate to those who sacrificed during the Korean War era, or messages that do not align with the Museum’s mission.

    Please contact Jane Hinton with any questions regarding your purchase at:

  • $
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