Music Makes Me! - Content submission form.
We believe that access to and participation in music making activities supports the creative development and wellbeing of children and young people, building their confidence and impacting positively on their life chances.
We have launched a music advocacy campaign for Lambeth that champions music making in schools, raises awareness of the benefits for creative development and wellbeing and celebrates the musical achievements made by children and young people.
To continue building a really exciting and representative campaign for Lambeth, we need your help! We are looking for schools, teachers parents and carers who would be willing to share the following content with our team:
1. Images of children and young people singing or playing instruments with an accompanying quote about why they like to play music and what they like about making music.
2. Short video clips of children and young people talking about why they like to make music and what they like about singing or playing an instrument.
3. Written quotes from children, young people and teachers that demonstrate how important music making is for them and/or their school community.
This form is for you to safely upload and share content which will assist us with building this campaign. You can submit images, short videos or written quotes.
Any content provided will be used for a social media campaign, may feature on our website, and may be shared within local buildings, on digital presentation screens, in community and performance spaces and local press editorials.
Schools will be required to obtain the necessary permissions from parents and carers for any content shared. Teachers not directly employed by the school will also be required to gain permission from the school to share any content of their pupils or staff.
Parents and carers completing this form will need to give consent for their child's image, written quote or video clip to be used by Lambeth Music Service as outlined above.
All content received will be securely stored in compliance with our recorded media and privacy policy.
*Please note that consent to allow LMS to use submitted content may be withdrawn at any time. To do so, please email
**This cannot apply to printed material that has already been already published.
I agree to give consent for any content or data submitted on this form to be used by Lambeth Music Service for the reasons outlined above.
All content and personal details received will be securely stored in compliance with our recorded media and privacy policy which you can find by copying and pasting the following links into your browser:
Recorded Media Policy:
Privacy Policy:
Yes, I agree.
*Please note that consent to allow LMS to use submitted content may be withdrawn by you at any time. To do so, please email
**This cannot apply to printed material that has already been already published.
Name of your school
This is so that we can credit your school.
Name of Teacher or member of staff completing this form.
Email of person completing this form.
Name of child or group in image or short video.
We would like to include the first names of children to accompany their images.
Name of Teacher/member of staff in the image or short video.
We would like to include the professional names of teachers to accompany their images.
Upload your images or videos here
Add File
You can upload multiple files here - Please number your files and try to make sure that all images or videos are taken in landscape format and are shared in hi-resolution format.
Add short quotes from students and teachers here.
Our suggestions for written quotes are:
What do you like about playing an instrument /singing and making music?
Why is making music important to you?
How does making music make you feel?
How does/has music benefited you, your school community or your family.
To ensure that quotes correspond with the correct images, please give corresponding quotes and images the same number or name.
I have contacted the parents/carer of any children appearing in images or short videos and have gained consent for these images to be used for the reasons as outlined above.
I (as a teacher at the above school) give permission for my images and quotes to be used for the reasons as outlined above.
I have obtained permission from my school to share visual images and written content from children and staff with Lambeth Music Service for the reasons as outlined above.
You can use your mouse to sign your signature.
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