Directory Information Opt-out or Opt-in
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) designates certain information released to students as "Directory Information" and gives Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC) the right to disclose such information to anyone inquiring without having to ask students for permission unless the students specifically request in writing that all such information not be made public without their written consent. The categories of "Directory Information" are listed in the ABAC Catalog. If students wish to withhold or release the disclosure of all items deemed by ABAC as "Directory Information," please complete this form.

Directory information does not include a student's education record.

Please consider very carefully the consequences of any decision to withhold any category of "Directory Information," as any future requests for such information from non-institutional persons or organizations will be refused. ABAC will honor all requests to withhold all of the categories of directory information listed in the ABAC Catalog but cannot assume responsibility to contact students for subsequent permission to release them. Regardless of the effect, ABAC assumes no liability for honoring all opt-out requests.
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  • Four-digit year
  • Selecting "Please Prevent" includes not printing your name in the local newspapers and ABAC's graduation bulletin for honors and graduation.
  • Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature