Healing Therapy appointment

Massage therapy has exceptional virtues and brings numerous benefits for your body and mind..

Complete the * sections. The information collected in this form will be used to complete your client's file.
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    DD = day, MM = month, YYYY =year
    Exemple : 24/02/1975
  • This amount will be added to the chosen treatment.
  • If you are taking medication, please indicate to me in the Important Note(s) section which and why you are taking it. This will help me not to use certain essential oils, so as not to conflict with your medication.
  • If any, specify in Important note(s).

  • For Interac credit transfer, use the following email: rohrei@yahoo.ca
  • According to the A.M.Q., the massage therapist cannot issue a receipt to the holder of the gift certificate because it was issued to the buyer of the latter.

  • For texting, please provide me a mobile phone number that Iwill be able to use to confirmat your massage appointment.
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