These Software Design Features Are Breaking Our Br
For the past 10 years, software has been infiltrating almost every aspect of our lives. He is with us everywhere today. It is in our pockets, tied to our bodies, scans our faces and hears our voices.

This quick climb was no accident. The tech industry suffers from growth and market dominance. Investors expect the matrix to grow faster from quarter to quarter. Advertisers want more eyeballs, more taps and more data. More is always better.

To achieve the ever-increasing trends, software software companies are constantly looking for new ways to grab our attention and attention, and often resort to dark patterns and aggressive tactics.
The result? At work and at home - people get overwhelmed by the software, get distracted and win. Things are mostly out of control, even the phone app prevents you from seeing the phone apps.
There is a small movement in the design community that deals with these issues, highlighting the harmful interface and shady business practices. It feels like a turn. After years of rapid change, now is the time to stop and reflect on Frankenstein's monsters.

Think about the software products you use every day. It probably includes all of the following problems - and is used more than you think.

1. Suggestion Bang: In an always connected age, our days are determined by the kacf oph of gulzars, beeps and badges. Any time you surround yourself with a new email, group chat, new text message or warning push, it’s an inappropriate distraction that distracts you from any meaningful act you’re doing.

Taken on its own, every little distraction seems apologetic, but overall it dies by a thousand cuts. Every year it gets worse, sometimes more apps and gadgets die for your tired eyes.

It’s a destructive pattern that destroys our productivity, and we all accept it as an integral part of our day.

How can we improve ourselves? For starters, stop these dances! Then change your behavior and spread peace among your friends and colleagues. Don't expect others to come back to you right now. If you're responsible for the devices your company uses, get rid of any workplace applications that promote real-time instant answers. Switch to products that prefer asynchronous communication methods.

2. Status and Attendance Indicators: If you've used the chat app to work with a group, you're probably familiar with the few colored dots that indicate each person's status. , Online, away, lunch.

These features are helpful on the surface, but if you look closely you will see that they encourage bad habits. The status indicator means you are being watched and you are about to be "around". You always report your location during available hours and working hours.

This makes people uncomfortable and sticks with the app, especially when the boss uses the situation to see if people are working. (In fact, it doesn't reveal anything like that - you can easily show yourself "offline" while running a dog.)

At worst, this green dot is like an open invitation. It has been sent that you are at your desk and ready for interruptions. As if we need another!

Van. Vanity Matrix: If the video game arcade was big, it would have been an impressive feat for your friends to brag about high scores.

Modern software designers realized and created these high scores to keep people on their platforms. Actually every action you do on the internet is now associated with vanity calculations. Likes, favorites, followers, retweets, views, readings, applause, reactions ... the list goes on.

This works like medicine for your brain. When everything you say or post has a measure of popularity, inevitably start playing and watching everything in terms of numbers.

How much energy is expended. In the real world, lumbering elephants are exposed by the aggression of speeding midgets. So why do we control them in our minds? At Basic amp we are experimenting to remove our “brewer” feature and expose all fears and hidden social responsibilities.

Inf. Infinite Feeds: Sometimes software is developed to help people do things. In other cases, it will help software companies make money.

Feeds with infinity
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