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You may notify the owner and continue to submit the form.
Garden Club of St. Petersburg
Summer Youth Nature Camp Registration

$30.00 for 5 days (1 Week)
  • Child's Information

  • (Please use a separate form for each child)
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  • Guardian's Contact Information

  • - -
  • Payment Information

  • If paying with a check, please enter the check number above.
    Please make checks payable to the Garden Club St. Petersburg and mail checks to:
    Youth summer Camp, 500 Sunset Drive, St. Petersburg, Florida 33707-1136
  • Other Information

  • Please read and sign below.

    By your signature below, you give permission and acknowledge that photographs and/or video may be taken of your child and that The Garden Club of St. Petersburg may use such media and/or likenesses in print, on the Internet, and/or for training purposes. If you have an objection to the use of your child’s image, please contact The Garden Club of St. Petersburg before completing this form.
  • / /
  • After clicking the "Submit" button please wait as sometimes it will take a moment before you are automatically redirected to PayPal. Remember is you wish to pay by check, simply close the PayPal window and submit your check to the Garden Club. Please only click the "Submit" button once.

    **To avoid duplicate submissions, please only click "Submit" once. It may take a moment for the form to process and move to the next page.**