All Faculty and Administrative staff may participate in the Qualified Tuition Reduction Program. Ma'ayanot can set aside up to 25% of your compensation before taxes and pay it directly to an educational institution. Eligible payments may be for yourself, your spouse or your child to attend school starting at age 5 (kindergarten) through college. Graduate school tuition is ineligible.

This form must be submitted prior to receiving your contract. Your total QTR amount cannot be changed after your contract is written; adjustments for where payments are sent may be submitted in writing to the business office.
  • If you enter a % in this box, the school will calculate the dollar amount as a % of total QTR
  • You may list multiple students here if you have more than one student in the same school
  • If you enter a % in this box, the school will calculate the dollar amount as a % of total QTR
  • You may list multiple students here if you have more than one child in the same school
  • If you enter a % in this box, the school will calculate the dollar amount as a % of total QTR.
  • You may list multiple students here if you have more than one child in the same school
  • $
    This amount should be the total of the all school amounts combined. Not to total more than 25% of entire compensation. Please round to a whole dollar amount (no cents)