My Recommendation to the LT Nominating Committee
You must be a LCC member to recommend people.
  • If you have not done these two steps, please do so before submitting this form.
  • I am confident that the married couple I am recommending will:
    •Seek to maintain a close, intimate walk with the Lord by regularly spending time alone with Him in His Word and in prayer.
    •Be a diligent student of God’s Word and endeavor to walk in the Spirit.
    •Pray regularly for those who serve as LT members, for the pastoral staff and the ministries of the church.
    •Faithfully give the first fruits of income (a tithe) to the work of the Lord through Lighthouse Christian Center.
    •Faithfully attend all meetings of the LT unless hindered from doing so by a compelling reason, such as illness or necessary travel.
    •Prepare for each LT meeting by doing any necessary preparation such as reading or thinking through an issue, and by submitting anew and afresh to the Holy Spirit.
    •By the power of the Holy Spirit, refrain from expressing negative attitudes through criticism and complaint. Instead, be positive and encouraging, endeavoring to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
    •Keep sensitive issues and decisions confidential.
    •Maintain an open and teachable attitude.
  • I am confident that the individual I am recommending will:
    •Seek to maintain a close, intimate walk with the Lord by regularly spending time alone with Him in His Word and in prayer.
    •Be a diligent student of God’s Word and endeavor to walk in the Spirit.
    •Pray regularly for those who serve as LT members, for the pastoral staff and the ministries of the church.
    •Faithfully give the first fruits of income (a tithe) to the work of the Lord through Lighthouse Christian Center.
    •Faithfully attend all meetings of the LT unless hindered from doing so by a compelling reason, such as illness or necessary travel.
    •Prepare for each LT meeting by doing any necessary preparation such as reading or thinking through an issue, and by submitting anew and afresh to the Holy Spirit.
    •By the power of the Holy Spirit, refrain from expressing negative attitudes through criticism and complaint. Instead, be positive and encouraging, endeavoring to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
    •Keep sensitive issues and decisions confidential.
    •Maintain an open and teachable attitude.