Instructor Request for MT2C Classroom Tutor
For Spring 2019
  • The MT2C Classroom Tutoring Program embeds Classroom Tutors (CTs) in classes with high D/F/W rates that disproportionately affect students of color. CTs attend every class session and then hold one-hour tutoring sessions after class to promote student success and study skills. Such supplemental instruction attempts to close the achievement gap between historically underserved students and their peers.

    The Classroom Tutoring Program is part of the Mesa Tutoring and Computing Centers (MT2C). For more info on our tutoring services, visit:

    We are looking for enthusiastic and energetic San Diego Mesa College instructors dedicated to student success and equity-minded practices who would like to work with a CT for their Spring 2019 class(es).

    Please note: Due to scheduling constraints, instructors are not guaranteed a CT.

    Participation Requirements:
    1. Complete the mandatory CT Instructor Training prior to being assigned a CT.
    2. If you are assigned a CT, you must attend our mandatory beginning-of-the-semester orientation for 1-2 hours to meet with your CT. The orientation is tentatively scheduled for the week before the semester starts.
    3. Keep in regular contact with your CT throughout the semester to ensure you, your CT, and your students are as well-supported as possible.
    4. Attend a mid-semester "best practices check-in."

    *If you have questions or trouble filling out this form, please email the Classroom Tutoring Program Co-Coordinators, Mariam Kushkaki ( or Cynthia Short (
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  • Course Information

    To assist us in pairing CT availability with courses, list the information for up to three classes for which you would like a CT. We currently do not support fully-online classes, but we have worked in a limited capacity with hybrid classes. (Please write either "In-Person" or "Hybrid" in the appropriate text box.)
  • Course
    In-Person or Hybrid?
  • Course
    In-Person or Hybrid?
  • Course
    In-Person or Hybrid?