2025 National Money Show® Bourse Application

Cobb Galleria; Atlanta, GA | February 27 - March 1, 2025

Table Holder Setup: Wednesday, 1-6pm

Public Hours: Thursday-Friday, 10am-5:30pm; Sat. 10am-4pm

For detailed guidance on using this form, please visit bit.ly/bourse-application-tips.
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    Corner booths include: Two 8' tables, four standard exhibit cases with locks, three lamps, seven chairs, and one backup table. One company sign will be given per company. Any extra will cost $250.

    Inline booths include: One 8' table, two standard exhibit cases with locks, two lamps, four chairs, and one backup table. One company sign will be given per company. Any extra will cost $250.

    Daily booths include: One 8' table, two standard exhibit cases with locks, two lamps, four chairs, and one backup table. One company sign will be given per company. Any extra will cost $250.

    **Prices vary by section. Ultra-Premium booths begin closest to the entrance.

  • Corner Booth Selections

    Corner booths include: Two 8' tables, four standard exhibit cases with locks, three lamps, seven chairs, one backup table, and one company sign.
  • Inline Booth Selections

    Inline booths include: One 8' table, two standard exhibit cases with locks, two lamps, four chairs, one backup table, and one company sign.
  • Daily Tables Selections

    If you would like to use daily booths, please select the days and table quantities below. Daily booths include: One 8' table, two standard exhibit cases with locks, two lamps, four chairs, one backup table, and one company sign.

    Please select services and quantities. Extra lamps may be rented on site for $5 each. You may request extra cases below at $20/case. Reminder: Corner Booths include 4 cases; Inline Booths and Daily Tables include 2 cases.
  • 2 lines, up to 30 characters each.

    All booth personnel must be ANA members, with dues paid in full. Call (800) 514-2646 for membership information.

    All personnel must be regular, bona fide employees or members of the company owner's immediate family.

    Three employees may work each booth purchased, free of charge. Additional employees may work the booth(s) at a fee of $50 each.

    Family members of the company owner may work the booth(s) free of charge and do not count against the 3 employee maximum. If family members will be working, please email convention@money.org.

  • If more than 4 additional employees are required please email convention@money.org.

    A max of two companies may work each booth for a $250 fee and will receive two total company signs & an additional 2 standard exhibit cases w/ locks.
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  • 2 lines, up to 30 characters each.

    Share dealers are allowed booth personnel under the same conditions as the principal table holder.
    Additional Share Booth Personnel ($50 each)
  • If more than 4 additional employees are required please email convention@money.org.

  • 2025 National Money Show® Bourse Contract Terms & Conditions

    Specific booth locations will be determined during table draw, dates TBD. This process begins with the companies that have the highest ANA star count and ends with companies with zero star count, regardless of floor section. A company may change its section after submitting this application and throughout the table draw process, and up to 2 weeks prior to the show, based on availability.

    1. Dealers assigned a booth are expected to operate said booth with adequate staff and inventory until the closing hour of the convention. Those dealers who depart from their booth(s) prior to the published close of the bourse floor without prior written permission by an ANA Headquarters Officer in the case of an emergency will be in violation of the bourse contract and will be moved back in the next table draw cycle by ten (10) picks and two stars will be deducted.

    2. Booths and booth holder badges may not be transferred, sold, leased, shared or sublet in whole or in part without the written permission of an ANA Headquarters Officer.

    3. Only ANA member companies are eligible for bourse space; all booth personnel must be ANA members.

    4. Each company is permitted a maximum of three booth assistants, including the principal booth holder, per booth package purchased. Spouse/significant other plus one child may be credentialed at no additional cost except the cost of ANA membership.

    5. If there is a share dealer on a table (maximum 1 share dealer per booth purchased), three credentials will be provided to bona-fide employees of the share dealer. The primary company assumes responsibility, financial or otherwise, for all transactions conducted by such independent share dealer and any other person behind the booth(s) and recognizes by signing this application that others will have the right to rely on this representation. Booths occupied by a share dealer must be within or adjacent to those occupied by the primary company. All share dealer booths must be within the same pod of tables as the principal booths.

    6. The ANA reserves the right to rescind a bourse booth placement in accordance with this application at any time in the event that the applicant (a) is expelled or suspended from membership in ANA, or (b) has three or more unresolved complaints pending against him/her, or (c) has been accused of the commission of a criminal offense, or the commission of a civil offense regarding alleged unethical conduct in any pending criminal or civil court proceeding, or (d) by reason of such applicant’s prior violation of the ANA Bourse Contract Terms & Conditions. ANA may also rescind such bourse booth award for any other reason determined appropriate with the ANA's sole discretion. Any rescission hereunder may be for all or any portion of the convention. In the event of the rescission of a bourse booth, all fees will be refunded to the applicant less a $200.00 processing fee.

    7. As provided in the ANA Code of Ethics, no dealer at any ANA convention may knowingly exhibit or offer for sale any illegal coins, counterfeits, forgeries, unmarked copies or other spurious merchandise. Auction houses or dealers can exhibit auction lots for an upcoming auction provided that the auction is not within 10 days of the convention. Any such infraction of this rule shall be construed as being against the best interests of the ANA. The penalty for such action shall be immediate removal of the dealer from the bourse floor and possible suspension and/or subsequent expulsion from the ANA. The ANA Member & Dealer Code of Ethics can be found online at www.Money.org.

    8. If a booth is empty at the opening of the show, the ANA may permit others to occupy that booth with no recourse for the dealer who has not occupied the booth.

    9. Companies are warned that the presence of security personnel or security systems does not constitute a guarantee against loss, a policy of insurance or a promise to indemnify in the event of a loss by fire, theft or other casualty. Dealers are expected to insure themselves against any loss that they might sustain. All additional security for individual member companies must be preapproved by the ANA.

    10. Banners are not permitted with the exception of those permitted under sponsorship arrangements.

    11. The ANA is not responsible for advising or otherwise assisting dealers with respect to any tax or other legal requirements. A dealer should consult his or her own accountant and/or attorney with respect thereto.

    12. The ANA and the Board of Directors of the ANA reserve the right to remove from the premises or to expel from the show any booth holder, dealer or individual who conducts himself or herself in a manner deemed unbecoming to the dignity of the ana and/or who violates any provision of this agreement or any law or regulation controlling the site at which the show is held.

    13. The ANA reserves the right to change these terms and conditions for subsequent shows as it deems necessary.

    14. I certify that I have identified all booth personnel and any share dealer who will be in my booth. I agree to assume responsibility for conduct of all booth personnel and any share dealer in my booth. I agree that I shall not permit anyone who is not officially registered to my booth to do business in, at or from my booth, or be present inside my booth. I agree to be responsible for and be the guarantor of all transactions conducted in, at or from my booth. I agree to indemnify the ANA for any and all claims asserted by my booth personnel and/or share dealer who I permit to conduct business in, at or from my booth. Violations may result in suspension of bourse privileges or other disciplinary action at the discretion of the ANA Board of Governors.

    I hereby release the American Numismatic Association, all participating or sponsor clubs, and the officers, members, committees, agents and employees of each, in their official and/or individual, personal capacities from any liability for loss, damage or destruction (through negligence, gross negligence, or otherwise) of numismatic material and for personal injury and property damage of any kind. The foregoing shall not, however, limit liability of any individual who may personally be guilty of theft, willful damage or destruction. The undersigned, in submitting this application, hereby agrees to comply with all of the provisions of the Bourse Contract Terms & Conditions and the ANA Member & Dealer Code of Ethics.
  • By electronically signing this form, I acknowledge that I have read and agreed with the 2025 National Money Show® Bourse Contract Terms & Conditions and hereby release the American Numismatic Association, all participating or sponsor clubs, and the officers, members, committees, agents and employees of each, in their official and/or individual, personal capacities from any liability for loss, damage or destruction (through negligence, gross negligence, or otherwise) of numismatic material and for personal injury and property damage of any kind. The foregoing shall not, however, limit liability of any individual who may personally be guilty of theft, willful damage or destruction. The undersigned, in submitting this application, hereby agrees to comply with all of the provisions of the Bourse Contract Terms & Conditions and the ANA Member & Dealer Code of Ethics.

    Payment Information: Full payment must accompany this application to qualify for the 2024 National Money Show® bourse selection.

    Cancellation policy: a $200 fee will be applied if cancellation is made more than 90 days prior to opening day of the show. Should cancellation occur 89-31 days prior to opening day, 50% of the booth fee will be retained. Cancellation within 30 days will forfeit refund entirely.
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