DBA Committee Matching Request Form
  • Instructions:

    • Complete Part A: Student Information
    • Complete Part B: Study Information
    • Complete Part C: Faculty Information (optional)
    • Submit Form

    **Students Requesting their First Committee** Upload Confirmation E-mail (received upon successful submission) to the Assignment area of the Classroom to demonstrate completion of this assignment.

    This confirmation e-mail will contain information about timelines and next steps in this process. Please review it carefully.
  • Introduction: First-time Committee Match

    Students are assigned a faculty committee to assist them with their capstone study. The information that you provide on this form is critical to ensuring a timely and appropriate assignment of faculty to serve in the three key roles: Chair, Second Committee member (SCM), and University Research Reviewer (URR).

    There are three capstone options:

    • Doctoral study *
    • Consulting capstone (interview required) **
    • Portfolio capstone **

    * This is the traditional doctoral capstone option in the DBA program.
    ** These options have a limited number of spaces each term and require additional information beyond what has already been provided. If students request one of these options and is not selected to participate, the student will complete the traditional doctoral capstone.

    Please review and complete the form as accurately as possible.

    All committees will be assigned by the program director or designee.

    DBA Administration
  • Introduction: Change Request

    Students who request a change to their committee may complete this form. Note that all requests for committee changes are evaluated by program leadership and may or may not be granted.

    Students will need to indicate in this form which committee member you are requesting to change, as well as provide detailed rationale and a supporting document for why the change is being requested. Additionally, students will be asked to provide information about the study, including the methodology, purpose statement, and research question.

    Program leadership will communicate approval or denial of this request directly with the student making the request.
  • Introduction: Returning Students

    Students returning from a leave of absence or via readmission to the program must complete this form to have their committee matched. Students will be asked to provide information about the study, including the methodology, purpose statement, and research question.
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