MNWT Fast Start: State Program Manager
The following Fast Start is designed to help you begin your year well-rounded, and on the right track. This will, in turn, help your state run smoothly. All verification must be sent to your state programming vice president (PVP) by August 1. Special recognition may be give to those who complete the program; awards will be presented at Fall State.

ALL VERIFICATION IS TO BE SENT BY AUGUST 1. Copies of all information that verifies completion must be emailed separately. All items must be DATED.

Responses to the online form will be viewed by the state programming vice president. Fill in as much information as you know. Upon completion of the form, click Submit; you will receive a confirmation screen if your form has been successfully submitted. (rev 2018)
  • Enter your at least three specific goals for the year
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    Enter the date when you sent an introduction of yourself and your goals/ideas for the year to your USWT representative
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    Enter the date when you sent an introduction of yourself and your goals/ideas for the year to the local and district program managers; if no programming managers in your area, contact the local/district programming vice presidents, or the chapter president or district director
  • Enter a contact list (name, address, phone, and email) of all local and district program managers for your area
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    Enter the date when you have scheducled for a forum, visitation, or presentation at a local or district meeting
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    Enter the date when you submitted a preliminary SPM Report; ensure future reports are submitted on time