Paid Obituary Submission Form
Families interested in placing a tribute in our newspapers with specific wording and a photo may do so as a paid ad. We are happy to offer writing assistance or to work with your funeral home to produce this as well.

The cost for the tribute will depend on how many words and photos in the obituary. These tributes are written by the family and can include anything the family desires. Typical information includes: accomplishments, activities, life history, extended family and friends, etc.

In an effort to inform as many of our readers as possible, these obituaries will appear in the Portland Tribune and at least one of our local newspapers.

A representative from our company will call you back to confirm your obituary and to accept payment. For more information please contact the specific newspaper that you are interested in having your obituary run in.
  • Your Contact Information:

    Please include in case we need to contact you regarding your submission.
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  • Deceased's Information:

    Please enter the name of the deceased, along with the birth and death dates below:
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  • Papers Selection:

    To place an obituary ad, start by selecting the newspaper(s) you would like your ad to run in. Enter your obituary announcement copy in the space provided and upload your photo(s) at the bottom of this form. Complete this process by clicking the submit button. Please feel free to contact one of our representatives with any questions. You can locate your paper's contact information at the following web address:
  • Obituary Rates:

    A 135 word obituary with photo appearing in the Portland Tribune and one local newspaper will cost $220. Additional discounts are available for those who wish to run announcements in multiple newspapers.
  • How to Submit your Obituary:

    You may either write or copy your pre-written obituary into the filed below.

    -- OR --

    Click on the Blue Button below and complete each section of our online form. Our staff is happy to help you write your obituary.
  • Please enter text you wish to appear in your obituary announcement in the above box
  • Image Uploads

    We allow up to 2 images per paid obituary submission. Please use the photo uploader below. * Please read the message concerning file size and load times!
  • Please limit file size of a photo to no more than 3 Megabytes.
    File types accepted:.png .jpg .jpeg .tif .gif

    IMPORTANT: Depending on the size of your image(s), and your internet speed, it may take a few moments for your submission to transmit. Once you click the "Submit" button, please wait for the confirmation message letting you know we received your announcement.