Teams & Volunteers- Apply/Query Form
So many variables affect our pricing and availability to host teams, so both basic enquiries and applications require this same form. Simply check the query or application box at the bottom of the form to clarify your purpose for filling it out. Please carefully read instructions included with some fields.
Submitting this application does not guarantee acceptance. Your request is processed in light of availability of dates and personnel to host.
Standard team processing time is 5-10 work days (depending on the ministry season) before receiving confirmation.
Please also note that our location is Montego Bay, and so all incoming teams should process travelling through MBJ airport. Travel from our other international airport can be difficult and costly to arrange, and at this time, we do not take transportation responsibility for teams choosing this port.
Section A
Basic Information about your potential trip.
Church/College/Sending Organization:
If you are an independent group put "None"
We'd like to serve at the
Montego Bay location
Manchester location
Deaf World
Check the one that best applies to your team.
Section B- Team Demographics
More specifics to help us give you accurate costs and availability information. If you are coming alone, just check the first box throughout Section B
Type of Visitor(s):
just me
just a small group (2-6 persons)
a team
Check the one that best applies to your team.
Team Demographics:
Myself alone
A couple/family
A group of families
Children/Youth team
High School/College team
Church Youth Group
Mixed-Age Church group
Mixed-age, Non-religious group
YWAM DTS Outreach Team
YWAM Partners Team
Check the description that best applies to your team.
Team Nationality:
Predominant nationality of team members/leader. Separate multiple nationality teams with a semi colon (;).
We are interested in:
Scouting the location/A day trip only
Volunteering with your team
Summer Camp Staff (only available in July)
Accommodation & meals only- (Plan your own schedule)
Vacation & Ministry Combination
Building a Homes of Hope (complete Section C below)
Ministry to Homes of Hope Recipients
Mercy Ministry: street feeding/orphanage visits etc
Children & Youth Ministry: summer camps, VBS etc
Church & Street Evangelism
Worship & Intercession Ministry: prayer rooms etc
Campus Kitchen & Hospitality
Campus Grounds Maintenance & Repairs
Hosting a conference/seminar/event at your venue
Teams are requested to select no more than 2 off campus focus areas per week of service. *Please note that Homes of Hope ministry requires 10-15 persons for the week.
Our team is coming with
Construction skills
Administrative/Tech skills
Mostly unskilled hands on our team
If your team has many interests, but no specific training or skill set, please put "mostly unskilled hands on or team".
Estimated team size:
Just me
under 5 persons
roughly 5-10 persons
10-15 persons
20-30 persons
Special Category A: 30-40 persons
Special Category B: 40-50 persons
Special Day Event only- 30-50persons
Special Day Event only- 50-85persons
Special "Category" teams need to have special transportation, food, and housing arrangements. Please note that we do not have overnight accommodations for teams larger than 50-55persons at present.
Dates for trip:
Please specify the year!
Length of stay:
Please give an estimate (in days) for the length of stay. For multiple teams, separate each stay by a semi colon (;)
Section C- Homes of Hope Build ONLY
If you are not planning to build a home, please skip to Section D.
Would your team include persons with a construction background?
little to no construction experience,
many years of construction experience
Would your team include a capable A-builder?
Possibly, depending on how essential this is
Section D- Purpose of this form
I'd like more information on:
Costs per person
Space availability
Available dates
Homes of Hope
All of the above
If other, please elaborate
Additional Comments:
Submit this form as an: