MACS Crisis Response Team Training 2024
The MACS Crisis Response Team is comprised of professionals from charter schools trained in Crisis Incident Stress Management (CISM) to provide on-site support to those affected by traumatic events.

This year's MACS Crisis Response Team Training will take place on Wednesday, August 14th & Thursday, August 15th at the MN Humanities Center in St Paul. Each day will go from 8am-4pm and will include breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack.

NEW team members are required to register and attend BOTH days. The cost is $325.

RETURNING team members who have not received training in the last two years are required to attend ONLY the second day of training. The cost is $175. You do not need to attend the training if you participated in the 2022 or 2023 training.

If you are new and interested in joining our team, or are returning and need to renew your training, please complete the form below. Upon completion, a follow-up email will be sent to you with information about the training and how to pay the training fee. You will be required to complete payment before you're able to attend the training.

All registrations and payments are due by Friday, August 9th.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Michael Padgett, Member Relations Director and MACS Crisis Response Team Coordinator, at 651-789-3090 ext. 3 or
  • Please provide the name of the school you will be working at during the 2024-25 school year
  • Please provide the job title(s) you will hold for the 2024-25 school year
  • Please provide the best email for us to contact you
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    Please provide the best phone number (cell phone number is ideal) for us to contact you - outreach to assemble a crisis response team per request relies heavily on text messages to team members
  • *New team members are required to attend both days of training
    **Returning team members are only required to attend the second day of training
  • Feel share any relevant experience you have related to crisis response, mental health support, working in schools, etc.