Thank you for clicking on ASP assessment/first session page. I know there are lot's of options out there for training. I have been blessed to be doing this work for over 20 years and have had the privilege of training thousands of athletes. I value every one of those relationships and would love to find out if I am a good fit for your needs.

No pressure, no obligation. The Assessment/First Training free session is just that... A chance for me to get to know you and vice versa. If it's a good fit then we can go from there. If not, you will at least know where your child stands athletically and I can give you some advice on where they need to focus their training

Impacting athletes lives is so much more than just a job to me. It has been my calling for my entire life. I like to think that it's not about me, it's about them. A lot of trainers have a look at me mindset, but me: I prefer to be in the background and just take pride in seeing them succeed.
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