Proofing Gallery Info Collection Form
This form will collect info and files so that Photo Finale can customize your new website.

Questions about the form or setup? Email Rachel:
  • Your Contact Info

    This should be filled out by the parent dealer.
  • The Site Details

  • Choices for a standard site:

    If you have upgraded to PFSR or PFE, you may opt to use a custom domain you already own. The fee for a custom domain is $50/year.
  • Product Catalog

    For easy catalog setup on the Proofing Gallery, we recommend creating a second catalog in your main account that we can then copy to the Proofing Gallery site(s) you fulfill for. That will give a good starting point for products and pricing.

    To create this second catalog, you can either have us copy your existing default catalog or you can create it from scratch (in your main myLab or Lab 50 account, and click Add New Product Catalog). Then we copy it to your new Proofing Gallery site where you (or the photographer) can add/modify categories, products, pricing, and descriptions.

    Recommended steps:

    1. In your myLab (or Lab 50) add a new product catalog, “MyShop Pro Fulfillment” for example.
    2. Then inside that, add/organize your categories and subcategories, price and edit names, add descriptions, etc.
    3. We will then copy that new catalog, along with access to the same supplier catalogs you have on your main site, so your pros can offer those products as well. Keep in mind they are not limited to the catalog that we copy, so your agreement with them should prohibit or at least require approval by you if they make adjustment to their default catalog.
  • If you already have a catalog in your parent PF site that you want us to copy into your Proofing Site, please let us know the name of that catalog here
  • Brand

  • Preferred: png with transparent background.
  • Preferred: png with transparent background.
  • Preferred: 1900 x 400-625 (max) jpg...a shot with lots of space on which to overlay text works well. We have some to use if you do not have a shot you want to use.
  • Services (PFSR/PFE upgrade only)

    (optional, up to 4)
  • Info (PFSR/PFE upgrade only)

  • Social Media Links (PFSR/PFE upgrade only)

  • Misc

    Anything else?