UKCPA Submission form for abstracts
for presentation at the UKCPA Conference, 29 November 2024, Manchester. Winners will be announced during the Conference.
  • It is not permitted to swap authors/presenters once this form has been submitted. Only the above named person will be able to present this work.
  • If the main author/lead presenter is not currently a UKCPA member, you will not receive feedback on your abstract nor be able to present your work at the conference.
  • Work email address preferred
  • Please complete by checking the relevant box(es)
  • Work that has previously been published or presented elsewhere will not be eligible for any award and cannot be published as an abstract. However, if successfully selected the lead author will be able to present the work as a poster.
  • Please refer to the UKCPA portal for all submission criteria and guidance.
  • This version of your submission will be used for adjudication purposes. Please ensure it is completely anonymised throughout to avoid disqualification. This includes removing the name of the relevant Trust throughout the main body of the paper, as well as the title.