Dear Student:

At Heritage Peak Charter School, we value your feedback. Please complete this survey by April 24, 2015. Your feedback is completely anonymous. We appreciate your participation!
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  • Area of Service

  • Stongly Agree Agree I Don't Know Disagree Strongly Disagree
    I feel welcome and respected at Heritage Peak.
    The Pacific Charter Website, www.pacificcharters.org is useful and helpful in obtaining school information.
    My learning center's newsletters are helpful in obtaining school information.
    My learning center's sponsored events add to the sense of school community.
    I use my PowerSchool access to view my assignments, grades and credits.
    I use social media to track events at Heritage Peak Charter School. (i.e. Facebook, Twitter)
  • Strongly Agree Agree I Don't Know Disagree Strongly Disagree
    The group instruction classes help me to understand the curriculum/lessons.
    The choice of curriculum and textbooks support my individualized learning.
    I feel successful at Heritage Peak.
    My learning center is helping me learn about my options for career and college.
    Field trips are interesting and educational.
    I make use of the computer lab at my learning center on a weekly basis.
    I have access to a computer at home to do my school work.
  • Strongly Agree Agree I Don't Know Disagree Strongly Disagree
    My teachers are accessible for questions and concerns that I might have.
    My teacher keep us informed of events, deadlines, and updates.
    My group instruction teachers are knowledgeable on the curriculum they present.
    I use the tutoring provided through Heritage Peak.
    I feel encouraged and supported by the teachers and staff at Heritage Peak.
    My teacher gives me feedback on my assignments.
  • Strongly Agree Agree I Don't Know Disagree Strongly Disagree
    The learning center support personnel are courteous and helpful.
    The checking out and returning of textbooks is an easy process.
    I feel safe at Heritage Peak.