Associate & Partner Membership
The application for Associate Membership in the Association shall be a company whose products or services are allied to the electrical industry. Such company is eligible to apply for an associate membership and shall be accepted upon approval by the Board of Directors. Membership is continuous except in the event of termination by the member or at the will of the Board of Directors. In the case of termination, the use of the Association insignia in any form shall be discontinued immediately. Associate members have the right to attend Association meetings or send approved representation. A $500 must accompany this application.
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  • Contact Information

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  • About Your Work

  • Payment Information

    Please select your payment type below. All information is securely stored.
  • Please enter credit card information below, which is stored in a secure location.

    For checks, please make checks payable to: IEC
    Mail to: 5809 E Berry St., Fort Worth, TX 76119
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  • Protected in vault Data collected via fields that have our security seal are encrypted and stored with the highest global security standard — PCI compliance. Your data is absolutely safe in Vault.
  • Completion

    I hereby make application for associate membership.

    Dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes; however, they may be deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. $27.33 of membership dues is allocated for lobbying activities and therefore is non-deductible as a business expense for federal income tax purposes in 2017 (subject to change). [IRC 162(e) and 6033(e)].
  • Signed by: