Bitch Did What?!
  • Have you ever been blown away by a person's horrible behavior, kindness, selfishness, courageousness or just plain embarrassing action? Have you ever been mom shamed? Do you work in the service Industry? Have you ever been shocked by a customer's behavior? Do you have a coworker or acquaintance that has no moral ethic.

    We want you to tell us about it!!!
  • NOTE: Contact details below will remain anonymous. Entering your information is for contest purposes only.

  • Please feel free to come back and share more stories any time.

  • Disclaimer

    This will be anonymous. "Bitch Did What" will not use the names of people, places, employers provided unless otherwise stated above. All stories will be edited. By submitting “your story” you give permission to "Bitch Did What" to review, edit and publish “your story” in any media format with unlimited rights. We reserve the right to determine which submissions will be published.