Membership Form - 2024
Membership fee is $40 that includes awards for 1st horse, additional horses $20 each. Buckaroo membership $20 that includes awards. Membership Fee MUST be paid for at your 1st race. Pay in the office.
Please read over the rule book if you have any questions about the PBHA races. Reminder to let us know before the race starts if you need to draw out from a race. No Show/ No Call fee is $25 the 1st time. If it happens a 2nd time you will be asked to pay full race fees and no longer be allowed to pre-enter.
Thank You!
Fill out this field for the 1st rider
Street Address
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Cell Phone if available
Choose your Membership
Membership is not complete till paid in full.
Membership $40
Buckaroo Membership $20
Additional Horse $20
Additional Horse $20
Additional Horse $20
Rider and Horse Combination:
Enter the Rider and Horse's Registered Name:
Rider and Horse Combination:
Enter the Rider and Horse's Registered Name:
Rider and Horse Combination:
Enter the Rider and Horse's Registered Name:
Rider and Horse Combination:
Enter the Rider and Horse's Registered Name:
Additional instructions or comments:
Add total amont here- also If a minor please include parent name and contact in this box
please add your social security number here or be prepared to have it at the 1st race.