2025 NAMI Basics Registration:
For Parents and Primary Caregivers of individuals, 22 years of age or younger, who are experiencing mental health symptoms

NAMI Basics is a free, six-session, peer-directed virtual education program developed to help parents and other primary caregivers:
• Develop confidence and stamina to support your child with compassion
• Learn about different types of mental health care professionals, available
treatment options and therapies
• Prepare for crisis situations, and understand how to navigate the public mental health care, school and juvenile justice systems
Through this unique and valuable program, parents and caregivers will quickly realize: You are not alone. Recovery is a journey, and there is hope.

Once your application is received, you will be contacted to determine if the course is appropriate for your needs, and when we schedule a new class.

Dates have not been selected for the 2025 class. It may be held on Zoom so participants outside the Tallahassee area are encouraged to register too.

There is no fee to attend. Participant materials will be provided at no cost.

To register, we just need some basic information:
• Your name and the name of anyone attending with you;
• An email address or mailing address and phone number for follow-up;
• The age of your son, daughter or child you care for, if applicable; and
• The type of mental health symptoms they are experiencing

You are welcome to share additional information that might be pertinent to the teachers, such as how long your child/adolescent has been experiencing symptoms.

That's it!

We remind you this class is designed specifically for adult family members and not children. Please know that all information is confidential and only necessary to determine the general makeup of the class.
  • After entering your name above, add the name of anyone attending with you. Any adults who are involved in the care of your child/adolescent are welcome.
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  • Please indicate the age and relationship to the child/adolescent and mental illness symtoms and diagnosis, if any. If you are a teacher or provider, NAMI Basics for Professionals might be a better fit. Please tell us a little bit about why you are interested in attending this education program. This section is limited to 200 words.
  • Day of week, order of preference
    Time of day, order of preference
    Other suggestions:
    Please indicate above your preferences for class day/times. All teachers are volunteer and the classes are subject to their schedules.
  • How did you find out about the NAMI Basics Signature Program?

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  • Thank you for your interest in NAMI Basics.