CLOSING Customer Service Shift Report
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  • Main Reception - Close

  • Who has completed (please initial)
    Change the 'pass out' stamp
    Stock up gym towels, aqua nappies
    Stock welcome packs 4 max
    Daily - Take lost property to phone room
    FRIDAY - Take lost property to plant room & bin water bottles
    FRIDAY - Restock cleaning supplies for aquatic and level 1 reception (email Dave is supplies are low)
    SUNDAY - Replace cleaning towels
    Empty the water bottles in lost property
    Set up wristbands for tomorrow
    Till off phone room computer
    Change group fitness kiosk paper
    Check all hired balls have been returned and contact patrons if not
    Tidy reception and wipe down counters
    Pick rubbish off the floors
    Manually confirm unprocessed payments on all POS's this can be done one one computer for the time being.
    Count floats - place money in green banking bag, then in lunch bag. Have an escort to the phone room
    Close shift and leave till drawer open
    Place takings from each till in the required day bag
    Keyboards and mouses in black tub hidden on floor under pos 1
    Lock admin cupboard and pos drawers
    Make first aquatic closing announcement (weekdays 8:15pm and weekends 5:45pm)
    Make manual announcement that the gym will be unstaffed in 30 minutes (week days 8:30pm and weekends 5:30pm)
    Weekends only - Make first stadium closing announcement 5:45pm
    Make final aquatic closing announcement (weekdays 8:30pm and weekends 6pm)
    Weekends only - Make final stadium closing announcement 6pm
    Place contractor passes in the phone room
  • Who has completed (please initial)
    Till of final POS and email CS supervisor of any discrepancies that are over $5
    Turn off both aircons at reception
    Ensure all eftpos machines are off
    Eftpos machines and ipads in phone room tub
    Mute all sounds systems at 8:30pm (6pm weekends)
    Put out area closed signs (reception, FFC, cafe)
    8.30pm - Place 24/7 area closed sign at the start of the tunnel, in the centre.
    Use Tensor barrier to block reception entry
    Weekend only - Put area closed sign out at stadium
    Radio DM to advise them that reception is now unstaffed
    Turn radio off and put in the phone room tub
    SUNDAY - Remove 'birthday party' sign from reception
    Display "reception opens at (5:30am or 7am)" sign next to feedback ipad
  • Level one reception close

  • Who has completed? (please initial)
    Check prospect clipboards to ensure all forms are present and in order
    Tidy and wipe down counter
    Tidy and wipe down benches and stools
    Finish emails & discard of any notes on bench from shift
    Check locker fobs, and call any that are missing. Let Fitness Coach know if they are still training
    Fill up bands and fobs
    Fill receipt rolls if needed
    Change Kiosk receipt roll
    Lock Group Fitness rooms doors
    Manually confirm unprocessed payments on POS
    Till off and log out of PG - Both Computers
    Put away all keyboards and mouses in draw 3
    Turn eftpos machines off and lock away in drawer 3
    Place iPad on charge out the back
    Turn off radio and place in drawer 3
    Lock all drawers and cupboards (excluding 10 & 13)
    Display reception open at 6am or 7am sign
    Ensure till drawer is left open and empty
    Take all forms, bands, settlement slips and lost property down stairs