Healthy diet routine to improve your studies
A healthy diet has positive effects on everyone. By meeting the particular demands of nutrition especially, students can get benefits. Researchers suggest that your memory and health are affected by what you eat. Your diet might have an effect on your ability to remember and the likelihood of dementia with age.

For good performance in academics and other fields of life, students must be able to attend class regularly, focus on every subject, and think creatively to score well. Your performance in physical, mental and social arenas can be improved with the healthy diet.

Focus and critical thinking

A healthy diet has been shown to improve the activeness and mood of students. It prepares students to achieve good grades by increasing the efficiency in academics. It is very important to have breakfast in the morning before going to school or college. Hunger tends to distract while doing work and makes a person irritable. For example, many students seek essay help because they procrastinate to write an essay on their own.

If you had a healthy diet before getting to school, you are more likely to work cooperatively and a nice behavior will be reflected by you. Our physical and neurological functions depend upon the energy band nutrients provided by food. Eating breakfast provides the nutrition support to brain. This helps in improving concentration and skills of creative thinking and problem-solving. It also enhances the focus and memory.

Improvement in Grades

Diet with high nutrition level is very helpful in scoring high. The Food Research and Action Center proves that the students who are used to having a proper and complete diet, those students are better in performing mathematics and numerical errors than the students who eat partial or no breakfast. Although students have an option of buy essay help to score well in academic writing tasks, you can improve scores and performance on vocabulary, visual and problem-solving skills by eating right and healthy every day.

What should you eat to improve memory, concentration, and health?

Feed your brain right, in order to enhance your intellectual performance throughout the day. Following is given the healthy diet routine to boost your memory with right meal.


The first meal of the day is breakfast. Never skip it as it helps to perform well in study sessions. Some students replace their breakfast with a coffee, neglecting your breakfast can make you feel hungry while studying and disturbs your focus, also it can make you irritable. Your breakfast should be a priority to eat, to get nutrients consistently every single day. You should follow the proper diet plan to keep your brain sharp during exams.

Eggs: You can have 2 eggs in your breakfast. Eggs are enriched with vitamin-b, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. They help in nerve cells functioning.
Oatmeal: 1 teaspoon of peanut butter and flax seeds added to oats, mixed with some fresh fruits, a banana or some walnuts and almonds and some milk. This oatmeal is a very healthy diet and excellent source to boost memory and energy in the body.


Avoid having fast food, it’s not good for health and brain. Fast food is often greasy and includes high carbohydrates that can make you feel sleepy in the afternoon. You should choose to have light and protein-enriched food in the afternoon.

Sandwich: You can carry a sandwich to school. Adding a layer of sliced avocado to your sandwich will be a good idea because it helps to improve functioning and communication of brain cells and boost mental focus and regulation in neurotransmitters.

Vegetable salad: vegetable salad is full of proteins. By adding fresh spinach and lentils to your salad you can increase the value of proteins. To make it tasty grilled chicken is a good protein source. Lentils are rich in Vitamin-B which improves the power of the brain. You can carry this option for lunch in an airtight container.


People normally feel tired in the afternoon. You can reach for some quick healthy snacks rather than having a candy bar.

Almonds and walnuts: These are very helpful in improving powerful brain functions and increase memory power. You just need less than a handful of almonds and walnuts. The mix of dried fruits and nuts is especially good for boosting energy when you feel midafternoon slump.

Fresh fruits: You can eat an apple, banana, watermelon, mango, berries, oranges, grapes, pineapple, pears, peaches or dice several of them to eat it as a fruit salad. These fruits have different benefits in boosting mental agility.


If you are preparing for upcoming exams or writing an essay to submit it, the next day you need a very healthy diet so that you can study for more hours. Eating pasta, pizza and similar heavy dinner should be avoided during exams. Your dinner should fill you up with energy so that you could work more efficiently. After heavy dinner, you may feel sleepy. In such cases, you can seek essay help but try to avoid heavy dinner.

Seafood: Some oily fishes are salmon, lake trout, albacore tuna, herring, and mackerel consists omega-3 fatty acids and contributes to the functioning of the healthy brain.

Whole grains: When the whole grains release glucose slowly in the bloodstream, brain gets a steady boost of energy. Whole grains also enhance mental alertness and improves mood. Barley, brown rice, buckwheat, millet, and whole wheat are some examples of wheat grains. You can prepare them just like rice in the cooker.

Broccoli, carrots and sweet potatoes: Broccoli is high in vitamin-k which is very helpful in boosting brain functions and improving memory. Sweet potatoes and carrots are excellent source of beta carotene. It helps in improving memory and verbal skills. You can steam broccoli and carrots for 10-15 minutes or can eat them raw. You can enrich your food with nutrients by adding a little amount of olive oil and lemon juice


In reducing stress level and boosting cognitive performance, dark chocolate is very helpful. Dark chocolate is calorie-dense and increases the weight so don’t eat more than 50g.
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