Personals/Classifieds: Upload Pictures or Product
Make Money uploading your products. Once approved, Your product will show up in the site gallery, Classified(s) and/or Personal(s) section.
  • *Region Compliance: This is an International Site. Some services may only be available in select areas. Ensure your service is region compliant and always follow safety & legal guidelines. Stay Safe & Careful. Always.
  • Personals place your Personal Description Here. Products: Place a Product Description. Approved product(s) are placed in the site and select products are published in the CampusLand Magazine. Remember to Visit The Classifieds and Personals Section to Feature your Personal and/or Classifieds ad There. If you would rather text, direct call and/or email contact, specify in this section. Also,for product(s) place any shipping information here (Deliver Personally for local deliveries, USPS, DHL, Amazin, UPS, FedEx, etc).
  • This is a Legal posting page and your information is secure. Place your legal name here
  • Use the Name you would like Displayed on the Post
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    Place your Contact # Here. Any disconnected numbers are subject to Post Removal
  • Enter your Region, Zip Code, Country and/or Territory Code Here
  • write your IG, Facebook, Web Address, Twitter, Tic Toc or other Social Media Page Here
  • How Much are You asking for your product?
  • Place Your CashApp Name Here (Ex:$KyngebammeLove,, Paypal Email, Etc. that you would like the Interested Party to use for direct payment. Remember. for services, some parties may ask for a 25-50% Deposit before providing service to intended party with remaining portion paid upon arrival and/or after services are provided. Product(s) are usually paid in full upon delivery and/or presentation, however, intended purchasers in many instances may remit a deposit (10-25%) before arriving for in person sales and remit remaining portion when possessed and/or 100% remittance for orders (with shipping) requiring a 3rd Party Carrier. Product Sales Fraud is a penal code violation subject to correction. Make clean transactions with + intention.
  • I agree to the site terms and policies. The site is not liable for any Criminal and/or Civil responsibilities resulting from posting and I realize that posting this post transfers all liability to the party posting. Site does not handle any sale currency and/or act as a Middle Liason. This means all Interested parties must contact you personally via the contact information provided hereign. If you prefer for people to deal with you personally, place your desired shipment & communications details in your description. For customer Service support, email or use the chat option (in the lower right hand corner) when you return to the site page. I also understand that it is any intentional violations are prohibited. If your posting Nude Pics, ensure you meet local guidelines associated with posting in your area. Names and Identification may be verified before posting. Club Campusland and it's affiliates have the right to refuse posting any submission.
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