SDCCD Work Experience Application Spring 2024
The WE Application is completed before the start of the term by the student in order to provide details of their WE placement and receive an add/permission # to enroll in a WE course. Please review all WE requirements, steps to enroll, and district resources at the SDCCD Work Experience website.

Questions or need accommodations? Please email the designated SDCCD campus Work Experience Coordinator for more information:

City College - Nicole Vargas |
Mesa College - Shawn Fawcett |
Miramar College - Kyoka Hashimoto |

    For the satisfactory completion of all types of Work Experience Education, students may earn up to a total of 16 semester credit hours. Title 5, Section 55253.

    View the SDCCD Class Schedule to determine the appropriate Work Experience course to take based on your placement, hours, and certificate/degree requirements.
  • Work Experience credit is awarded based on 75 hours of paid work/internship or 60 hours of unpaid internship per unit the student is enrolled. By completing the WE Application and enrolling in WORK 270, you have acknowledged and agreed to fulfill all requirements and expectations of the Work Experience class as outlined by Title 5 and the Work Experience Student Handbook including minimum hours required per semester by unit. Failure to meet these requirements, specifically the minimum # of hours, may result in a failing grade assigned for your Work Experience course.

    WE Credit & Hour Requirements - WE Hours Must Be Completed Within Course Dates:
    1 unit - 60 Hours Unpaid | 75 Hours Paid
    2 units - 120 Hours Unpaid | 150 Hours Paid
    3 units - 180 Hours Unpaid | 225 Hours Paid
    4 units - 240 Hours Unpaid | 300 Hours Paid
  • Work Experience credit is awarded based on 75 hours of paid work/internship or 60 hours of unpaid internship per unit the student is enrolled. By completing the WE Application and enrolling in WORK 270, you have acknowledged and agreed to fulfill all requirements and expectations of the Work Experience class as outlined by Title 5 and the Work Experience Student Handbook including minimum hours required per semester by unit. Failure to meet these requirements, specifically the minimum # of hours, may result in a failing grade assigned for your Work Experience course.

    WE Credit & Hour Requirements - WE Hours Must Be Completed Within Course Dates:
    1 unit - 60 Hours Unpaid | 75 Hours Paid
    2 units - 120 Hours Unpaid | 150 Hours Paid
    3 units - 180 Hours Unpaid | 225 Hours Paid
    4 units - 240 Hours Unpaid | 300 Hours Paid
  • Work Experience credit is awarded based on 75 hours of paid work/internship or 60 hours of unpaid internship per unit the student is enrolled. By completing the WE Application and enrolling in WORK 270, you have acknowledged and agreed to fulfill all requirements and expectations of the Work Experience class as outlined by Title 5 and the Work Experience Student Handbook including minimum hours required per semester by unit. Failure to meet these requirements, specifically the minimum # of hours, may result in a failing grade assigned for your Work Experience course.

    WE Credit & Hour Requirements - WE Hours Must Be Completed Within Course Dates:
    1 unit - 60 Hours Unpaid | 75 Hours Paid
    2 units - 120 Hours Unpaid | 150 Hours Paid
    3 units - 180 Hours Unpaid | 225 Hours Paid
    4 units - 240 Hours Unpaid | 300 Hours Paid

    The San Diego Mesa College Small Business Virtual Incubator (SBVI) program aims to assist students (Mentees) understand basic business management skills and helping them start, operate, and grow their company. This form serves as your agreement to the conditions of the SBVI program of which the Work Experience course is a component.

    A student’s participation in the SBVI is voluntary and requires agreement to certain conditions. Please review the entire terms of the SBVI Agreement carefully before moving forward in this document and save a copy of them for your reference.

    You must read and agree to the following terms and agreements in order to be approved to participate in the SBVI program:

    Duration & Location of Business Mentoring
    Types of Business Mentoring
    SBVI Limitations
    Work Experience Course Requirement
    Reimbursement Requirements
    Program Completion
    Early Program Termination
    Waiver of Liability for Business Mentoring

    *Students may only receive funding from one grant source from Mesa College at a time. If accepted in both, students must choose to participate in the Small Business Virtual Incubator (SBVI) Program or the Mesa Impactship Program (MIP).

    NOTE: If you have NOT BEEN ACCEPTED into the Mesa College Small Business Virtual Incubator (SBVI) Program, please answer 'No' to the previous question.
  • NOTE: If you have NOT BEEN ACCEPTED into the Mesa College Small Business Virtual Incubator (SBVI) Program, please answer 'No' to the previous question.

    Get $$$ for Workforce Training! Interested in receiving a one-time $1000 payment (AKA stipend) or hourly compensation to offset expenses during your workplace training & enrollment in a Work Experience course? Check out and apply for the Mesa Impactship Program (MIP). Complete the intake form to check your eligibility!

    *NOTE: Eligible students must be enrolled in a Work Experience or DCP course through Mesa College for the participating semester.

    *Students may only receive funding from one grant source from Mesa College at a time. If accepted in both, students must choose to participate in the Mesa Impactship Program (MIP) or the Small Business Virtual Incubator (SBVI) Program.

  • Enter the # of college units you have previously earned based on enrollment in a Work Experience course(s) at any college.
  • - -
  • If Yes, please contact your assigned SDCCD campus Work Experience Coordinator for additional steps and approval.

    City College - Nicole Vargas |
    Mesa College - Shawn Fawcett |
    Miramar College - Kyoka Hashimoto |
  • If Yes, please contact your assigned SDCCD campus Work Experience Coordinator for additional steps and approval.

    City College - Nicole Vargas |
    Mesa College - Shawn Fawcett |
    Miramar College - Kyoka Hashimoto |

    Note: International students are required to attend the International Student Orientation, Employment Workshop, submit a CPT checklist, and update your I-20 in order to enroll in Work Experience.
  • If YES, please contact a Veteran Counselor and/or Veteran Services to understand how enrolling in a Work Experience course may impact your education plan and/or VA benefits.
  • If Yes, please contact your assigned SDCCD campus Work Experience Coordinator for additional steps and approval.

    City College - Nicole Vargas |
    Mesa College - Shawn Fawcett |
    Miramar College - Kyoka Hashimoto |

    NOTE: A certified Work Permit will be required for students under 18 years of age.
  • If YES, please contact the Counseling or Advising Office at your institution to ensure that SDCCD Work Experience courses will satisfy your individual academic program requirements.
  • NOTE: To avoid delays in completing your lab hours, please get your immunization record prior to the semester starting. Please contact your worksite placement for instructions on how to submit and meet requirements.

    If you are NOT a Child Development student, please answer 'No' to the previous question.

    Please provide some details on where you will be completing your work experience placement.
  • (if different than company address)
  • Assigned person at company to supervise & evaluate student during SDCCD Work Experience.
  • - -

    Please provide some details on how you will be completing your work experience placement.

    WE Credit & Hour Requirements - WE Hours Must Be Completed Within Course Dates:
    1 unit - 60 Hours Unpaid | 75 Hours Paid
    2 units - 120 Hours Unpaid | 150 Hours Paid
    3 units - 180 Hours Unpaid | 225 Hours Paid
    4 units - 240 Hours Unpaid | 300 Hours Paid
  • Note: If you are just starting work for this company, please indicate "0".
  • Note: If you are just starting work for this company, please indicate "0".
  • Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Average Total Hours Per Week
    Shift Hours (am/pm)

    MESA COLLEGE SBVI STUDENTS ONLY - SBVI requires that you spend a minimum of 60 hours developing and launching or growing your business. Please estimate all the hours that you will spend working on your small business by the categories listed below and calculate the total hours.
  • Orientation Meeting Learning Agreement Meeting Hours meeting with Esther Hours meeting with Eddie Mentoring Hours Hours working on business development Total Hours
  • For this work experience, will you:

    Please provide some details on specific activities you will be completing your work experience placement.
  • (ie: forklift, bulldozer, press machinery)
  • If you answered NO to all of the above questions, please type "n/a."

    The following forms must be completed in order to submit a Work Experience Application and to receive approval to obtain an ADD code to enroll.
  • INSTRUCTIONS: View the Online Work Experience Orientation and upload completed Work Experience Orientation Quiz. Upon completion of the quiz, save as a PDF with a file name that includes your first and last name, WE Quiz, and term/year (ie: John Doe - WE Quiz - Spring 2019). Upload saved file into the online Work Experience Application. This quiz is required to receive an ADD code.

    Online Work Experience Orientation

    Work Experience Orientation Quiz

    The following forms must be completed in order to participate in the SBVI Program.
  • This training includes an introduction to educational and workplace regulations and guidance regarding sexual harassment including how to recognize, report, and prevent sexual assault and harassment.


    1. Self-Enroll in Training Course in Canvas
    2. Complete the training. Organized into 3 modules: Key Concepts, Reporting and Response, Awareness and Prevention, you will find a series of short videos (about 2 mins. each) and supplemental handouts for review. Just hit the "next" button at the bottom right hand of the screen to move through the course content.
    3. Submit documentation of completion. Print your grades to PDF and upload saved file into online Work Experience Application.
  • Complete this form to be setup for reimbursement of pre-approved expenses.

    INSTRUCTIONS - MESA COLLEGE SBVI STUDENTS ONLY: Download the form below. Complete it, save file as PDF to your computer, and upload it here.

    SDCCD Supplier Intake Form
  • Complete this step to be setup for reimbursement of pre-approved expenses.

    INSTRUCTIONS - MESA COLLEGE SBVI STUDENTS ONLY: Visit MySDCCD Portal to access a copy of your unofficial transcripts by term showing your classes for the current semester.

    Follow this step by step tutorial to request unofficial transcripts via the mySDCCD portal.

    Work Experience is designed to help students develop professional skills through hands-on experience. Evaluate your current performance/ability of each of these 21st Century workplace skills prior to beginning your Work Experience. Ratings of student performance of each skill will be shared with your Work Experience Instructor and Site Supervisor to be discussed at the beginning and end of your Work Experience.
  • Excellent Above Average Competent Unsatisfactory Not Applicable
    ADAPTABILITY: Open to new experiences by trying out different work environments, roles, and tasks.
    ANALYSIS/SOLUTION MINDSET: Examines information and data using critical thinking skills and considers different ways to solve a problem.
    COLLABORATION: Able to work with a diverse team, encourages using skills of all, and able to manage conflict.
    COMMUNICATION: Articulates thoughts and ideas verbally and in writing in a professional manner, uses appropriate content, uses non-verbal communication to make things clear.
    DIGITAL FLUENCY: Has a basic understanding of computer, online tools, hardware, and software to find data, information, answer questions, or help solve a problem.
    ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET: Self-motivated, risk-taker, and seeks new knowledge, skills, ideas, and greater work responsibilities.
    EMPATHY: Develops good relationships with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures by being a good listener, asking questions to understand what the other person is feeling, being honest, and mirroring nonverbal communication to build trust.
    RESILIENCE: Sets priorities and goals, anticipates possible consequences, develops back-up plans, learns from feedback, and believes in personal growth.
    SELF-AWARENESS: Knows own skills and strengths, works to improve weaknesses, maintains self-discipline, takes personal responsibility, and attempts to grow professional manner.
    SOCIAL/DIVERSITY AWARENESS: Values diversity in the workplace, develops relationships with people of different backgrounds, and seeks out new ideas from others.
  • Describe any area(s) and/or skill(s) that show great promise or need improvement.

  • Please use your computer mouse cursor or finger on a tablet to physically sign your name as you would for a wet signature.

    If you have previously started the form and selected "Save & Resume Later," click on the "Clear/Delete" link in the bottom right corner of the signature field. This will clear the field and allow you to sign and submit the form.
  • / /
  • Need to finish this form later? Click “Save & Resume Later” at the bottom of this form to generate a unique URL with the information you've entered. Copy/paste the URL link to email yourself. Later or at a site visit, click on the link in your email to open the form and enter any remaining information or add a signature to submit.