Miss Boston/Cambridge 2018 Application
Please fill out this form to submit your application for the Miss Boston pageant to be held at The Omni Parker House Hotel on 2/25.

All applications are due by 11:59PM on January 15, 2018.

Please have your pageant resume & platform statement (community service statement) prepared before submitting this application. Templates are available at


You can review all eligibility and competition information at: http://www.missboston.org/Apply.html

Orientation time/date & location will be available by 1/1.

All questions are required on this form, you may not skip anything. The application must be completed in its entirety and submitted once. You cannot edit responses. You can halt your session, but leave the page open in your browser to return to it later. It may log you out, and occasionally will lose your data. We do not recommend this.

Please contact Rocky Graziano, Executive Director with any questions or concerns regarding this application or any logistical questions at missbostonscholarshiporg@gmail.com, or by phone 617.605.0552. All emails and messages will be returned within a 24 hour period.
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