AASL Social Media Submission Form

Submit your photos and videos to help AASL celebrate School Library Month. Your videos could appear on AASL social media accounts!

Personal Data Notification
  • Select all that apply.
  • Please enter a caption for each image uploaded, describing the scene and identifying the school or participants as needed.
  • Submitted media must conform to your local school media policies regarding publication of identifiable students. By submitting photographs to the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) and signing above, you are affirming that you hold the copyright for the media, have abided by any local school media policies regarding publication of identifiable students, and are giving AASL permission to publish them. Images may be used to promote school libraries in AASL print and digital marketing communications, may appear in future print issues of Knowledge Quest, or be submitted to news outlets alongside press releases, news articles, or editorials. Suitable and appropriate media may also appear in an online gallery or social media. While you maintain the copyright to submitted media, AASL may reuse media to promote association products, services, and initiatives, and to promote school libraries to stakeholders and the public.