Number of adults (18 and over) and kids, ages of kids at the time of travel |
Where do you want to fly from? Any close by airports we should also check? |
Travel Dates - if there is a range, the 1st date you can leave and last day back is great! Let us know how many nights you want with in that time and we'll see what's best! |
Would you like Base tickets ( 1 park per day) or Park Hopper tickets ( multiple parks per day) |
What type of resort are you looking for : Value, Moderate, Deluxe? Is the pool very important at your resort? Do you want a variety of dining options at your resort? |
For Universal - Value or Deluxe resort? Express Pass or regular park to park? Water Park? |
For DisneyLand - do you want to stay at a Disney hotel, or is a good neighbor hotel your preference? |
Are you interested in a Dining Plan? (DisneyWorld only) |
Would you want to do mostly table service or character meals or are you planning to do mostly counter/Quick Service meals? |
Are there any rides that you are most interested in doing? |
Are there any restaurants or Character meals you are interested in? |
What is the budget we need to be mindful of? |
Did we miss something? Tell us about it here! |
Please give us as much information as possible. If you have not heard back from us with in 24 hrs Monday - Friday, please contact us!